Friday, December 20, 2013

CACC Skills Expo is January 9, 2014

The Career Center annual Skill Expo is a great opportunity to explore all CACC classes available to RBHS students. At this event you can talk to instructors, participate in activities, view examples of student work, and discover how CACC classes are relevant to your future!

PTSA Reflections Contest--"Believe, Dream, Inspire!"

Do you have talent in the arts?  Submit original work to the PTA Reflections Contest!  The theme this year is "Believe, Dream, Inspire."

Students are encouraged to submit an original work inspired by the theme to one of the following categories:  dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography, and visual arts.  Student work has the potential to be awarded at the local and state level, and state winners are then considered for national awards.

 The deadline for submissions is Friday, January 10 by 4:30 pm to the Activities Office.  For more information stop by the Activities Office or contact Ms. Trescott in room 319 or by email at

Hey Rock Bridge!! Check Out the New CPS Digital Library!

Columbia Public Schools now has many titles available to students in its digital library!  Students can login with the same login and password they use for the computer at school. They can read the book online or download it to their device!  Click here to start!

Click here for help and additional information. Alternatively, see Mrs. Struchtemeyer or Mr. Murphy in the RBHS Media Center.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Important Dates for Seniors (Class of 2014)

April, 3, 11:15 am=Senior Class Meeting in Gym
April 26, 9:00 pm=Senior Prom
May 16, 12:00 pm=Senior Class Meeting in Gym (Caps & Gowns distributed)
May 19, 12:00 pm=Senior Picnic
May 20, 7:00 pm=Baccalaureate, RB Gym
May 21, 6:30 pm=Senior Banquet
May 22, 9:00 am=Graduation practice, Mizzou Arena
May 22, 7:00 pm=Commencement, Mizzou Arena

National Honor Society Update

The RBHS National Honor Society has 182 members who work on activities that support both RBHS and the community. NHS helps to showcase Rock Bridge students’ achievements through its academic bulletin board, answering questions during new student orientation and visiting middle schools. We helped with Breakfast with Santa, organized a canned food drive, and will plan and organize other community service projects. Being a member of NHS is a privilege based on the four national standards for membership:  scholarship, leadership, service, and character.
Selection:  All students of junior standing, who have at least a 3.3 cumulative grade point average after the first semester of their junior year are eligible for consideration. In February, those students will receive a short information form to state their willingness to be considered and to provide information about activities and service outside of school. In addition to GPA, students must have taken one honors course in grades 9-11 and show participation in two activities or sports (at least one must be school sponsored).  Students receive recommendations for membership and comments by teachers based on character and leadership. The faculty council uses these criteria and feedback to make the final selections.
Induction:  Second semester juniors will be notified of selection or non-selection by early April. The induction date will be the end of April.
Service:  For current members, the service criteria must be upheld throughout the senior year. Members must attend meetings and complete ten hours of service to be recognized in the commencement bulletin and receive the NHS emblem on the graduation certificate.
If you have any questions, please e-mail Travis Martin at

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Welcome to Our New Format!


We are changing the way we communicate!  We are moving from a newsletter format to a blog- it may have taken us a while, but we are getting with the times. Why? It's time we put our money where our mouth is. We (I) have been pushing our staff to use more technology.  We need to catch up with our students and possibly expose them to things they don't yet know.  Teaching how to use technology appropriately and for positive purposes is all part of our job! Perhaps you are well down the blog road...thanks for waiting for us. Maybe, like us, this is new for you, too. We'll figure it out together.

This will be a short post, but I wanted to take the opportunity to reflect on our first semester as it comes to a close.  The year of transition is underway and we seem to be transitioning well. We haven't missed a beat in welcoming freshmen to our building.  We have all adjusted to the new start and end times, and we continue to learn through our inaugural semester of Bruin Block.  All in all, it's been a great first half of this year!

As we prepare to take a couple of weeks of break, I encourage you to reflect on the past year, not just the school semester.  Rock Bridge's Mission Statement: Where learning is for life...

So, what have you learned?  Where will that take you next year?  What is next for your learning? What will you do with what you've learned and are learning?  How will this make your life and/or the lives of others better?

Happy Holidays!