Thursday, December 12, 2013

National Honor Society Update

The RBHS National Honor Society has 182 members who work on activities that support both RBHS and the community. NHS helps to showcase Rock Bridge students’ achievements through its academic bulletin board, answering questions during new student orientation and visiting middle schools. We helped with Breakfast with Santa, organized a canned food drive, and will plan and organize other community service projects. Being a member of NHS is a privilege based on the four national standards for membership:  scholarship, leadership, service, and character.
Selection:  All students of junior standing, who have at least a 3.3 cumulative grade point average after the first semester of their junior year are eligible for consideration. In February, those students will receive a short information form to state their willingness to be considered and to provide information about activities and service outside of school. In addition to GPA, students must have taken one honors course in grades 9-11 and show participation in two activities or sports (at least one must be school sponsored).  Students receive recommendations for membership and comments by teachers based on character and leadership. The faculty council uses these criteria and feedback to make the final selections.
Induction:  Second semester juniors will be notified of selection or non-selection by early April. The induction date will be the end of April.
Service:  For current members, the service criteria must be upheld throughout the senior year. Members must attend meetings and complete ten hours of service to be recognized in the commencement bulletin and receive the NHS emblem on the graduation certificate.
If you have any questions, please e-mail Travis Martin at