Would you like to donate a book to the Rock Bridge Library Media Center in honor of your student’s birthday? We have several popular titles that can always use extra copies. We will put a book plate in front of the book acknowledging your student. Please call us at 214-3115 if you are interested in this generous activity!
Friday, January 31, 2014
Angel Online Learning
Many teachers utilize the district’s online learning system, Angel, to post assignments and discussion topics. To access Angel go to the RBHS homepage and click the Angel link on the left. Parents can access some teacher Angel accounts from links beneath teacher photos through the academics page of the RBHS website. http://www.columbia.k12.mo.us/rbhs/academics/academics.htm If you have any questions call the Media Center at 214-3115.
Media Center,
Online Resources,
Students: Check Your School E-mail!
Students are reminded to check their school e-mail regularly. Student e-mail addresses are loaded in eSchool grade books, and many teachers e-mail their students regularly with assignments and test updates. The Media Center sends out automated e-mails for overdue notices. Students are e-mailed their overdue books every Monday at 8 a.m. Per school policy, students with overdue notices are not allowed to check out additional materials. Student e-mail addresses are the student’s login followed by @students.columbia.k12.mo.us
Media Center,
Online Reference Resources Available From Home!
When researching projects, students are encouraged to utilize our district-funded online reference resources. These resources contain peer-reviewed articles and are excellent for all forms of research. Many of these online resources are also used by colleges so students should strive to become familiar with them. Go to RBHS webpage (http://www.columbia.k12.mo.us/rbhs/) and select “Research Databases.” Underneath, select the green link from home: Home access userID's and Passwords (click here). Then select “Click here for resources.” The user name is “home” and the password is “access”.
Media Center,
Online Resources,
Check Out Our New Digital Library!
RBHS now has many titles available. Click on CPS Digital Library under the Bruin. Login with the same login and password you use for the computer. You can read the book online or download it to your device. Click here for additional information and help. If you have questions or need help see Mrs. Struchtemeyer or Mr. Murphy in the Media Center.
Media Center,
Online Resources,
Home Access Center - Access Grades from Home or School
Students and parents can now securely access grades through the Internet. Go to the RBHS homepage: http://www.columbia.k12.mo.us/rbhs/ Then under the bruin logo, select “Home Access Center.” Students and parents need to set up secure passwords individually through the media specialists. If your student has not set up a password, encourage him/her to see Mrs. Struchtemeyer or Mr. Murphy. Parents who need access can call 214-3115.
Media Center,
Online Resources
CPS-Private network on iPad Minis
Students in Advanced Placement classes with iPads should be accessing the CPS-Private network instead of the general CPS Wireless. The CPS-Private network is faster than the general wireless, and it also allows for class project presentation with teacher computers through AirServer.
Media Center,
Students Can Access School From Home
Students can access school files from home using the CPS Portal. Click on the Student Portal link on the RBHS webpage or use: http://portal2.columbia.k12.mo.us . Log into the Portal with your CPS login and password that you use to log on to the network at school. Select “Go”” and then select “My Files” to see your home folder and student share files. You can open files at home and save back to the CPS server.
Media Center,
Thursday, January 30, 2014
PTSA Valentines Day Sales
Send a Valentine to your student on Friday, February 14. PTSA will sell chocolate covered strawberries, IB Nuts & Fruits passion pretzels and bags of candy. Order forms are available here
RBHS Global Village is Coming!
On Friday, March 7, 9:00-11:00 a.m. the RBHS Commons will be transformed into a microcosm of the world with booths from more than 20 cultures. Native dancing, storytelling, artifacts, international foods, and clothing are part of the atmosphere of multicultural experiences at Global Village. In addition, our Culinary Arts classes will provide tastes of foods from around the globe! This Epcot-like presentation is coordinated and directed by our students. Global Village is the culminating event in a week of events and activities including an international fashion show, international art displays, and international dance performances.
Stay in Touch With the "Infobruin"
You can receive the "Daily Student Bulletin" via email daily by subscribing to the "infobruin." Click here to subscribe.
Friday, January 24, 2014
Preppin' the ACT
ACT Prep Sessions
The next before/after school ACT Prep sessions will be held
on Jan. 27- 31st and Feb. 3-6th. The cost is
$20 and students must sign up and pay at the front desk of Guidance. The
before/after school test prep sessions allow students to take an ACT section
(English, Math, Reading, Science) after school and then receive tutoring/test
prep for that content area the following morning. For example, Monday
afternoon students will take the English section of the ACT and then Tuesday
morning, they will receive English tutoring and test prep from an English
teacher; Wednesday the students would take the math section of the ACT and
receive math tutoring on Thursday morning, etc. Space is limited, so
come by Guidance for more information ASAP and an application form.
The next Super Saturday ACT Prep will be held on Saturday,
April 5 at 7:45 a.m. at RBHS. The cost is $20 and students can sign up in
Guidance. Super Saturdays are one, full-day ACT test preparation
opportunity. Students have an opportunity to take a practice ACT test as
well as learn test taking strategies, techniques and study skills from each of
the content area teachers.
In order to make this preparation available to all students,
students are asked to sign up for only one of the ACT prep opportunities.
ACT Prep,
Super Saturday
Back to the Future
Enrollment for 2014-2015
It's hard to believe that even though we're only 2 weeks into the semester, it's time to plan for next year! Freshman, Sophomores, and Juniors received enrollment materials the week of January 13th through Bruin Block and U.S. Studies. Current 8th graders received enrollment materials when counselors visited the middle schools the week of January 13th. Enrollment forms and registration guides were given to students, and counselors met with classes to answer student questions. Students should pay close attention to the details about the courses in the registration guide and should discuss their choices with teachers, parents and counselors. Enrollment forms are due January 24th and students should enter their course requests into HomeAccess by January 24th.
After signed enrollment forms have been turned in and students have completed their requests on Home Access, counselors will meet with juniors (rising Seniors) during AUT/ARC or befor/after school to go over course requests and make sure students have selected the appropriate courses and credits to fulfill graduation and post-secondary admission requirements. Counselors will be available through Bruin Block and Advisory during the week of January 27th to meet with Freshman and Sophomores if students have questions about courses for next year or credits needed for graduation.
It's hard to believe that even though we're only 2 weeks into the semester, it's time to plan for next year! Freshman, Sophomores, and Juniors received enrollment materials the week of January 13th through Bruin Block and U.S. Studies. Current 8th graders received enrollment materials when counselors visited the middle schools the week of January 13th. Enrollment forms and registration guides were given to students, and counselors met with classes to answer student questions. Students should pay close attention to the details about the courses in the registration guide and should discuss their choices with teachers, parents and counselors. Enrollment forms are due January 24th and students should enter their course requests into HomeAccess by January 24th.
After signed enrollment forms have been turned in and students have completed their requests on Home Access, counselors will meet with juniors (rising Seniors) during AUT/ARC or befor/after school to go over course requests and make sure students have selected the appropriate courses and credits to fulfill graduation and post-secondary admission requirements. Counselors will be available through Bruin Block and Advisory during the week of January 27th to meet with Freshman and Sophomores if students have questions about courses for next year or credits needed for graduation.
Student Volunteer Corps Classes
Students interested in enrolling in a Student Volunteer Corps class for next year must complete an application form by January 24. This is a great opportunity for students to ““give back”” to RBHS and/or the community and still earn elective credit. Students must apply and receive approval prior to enrollment. Classes include: Advisory Mentor (interview required), Media Center Student Assistant (written approval required), Mentor/Tutor (interview required), Office Assistant (approval required), and Teacher Assistant. Several have limited openings. Applications will be available in the Guidance office. Students may only take one (1) Student Volunteer Corps class per semester.
Students interested in enrolling in a Student Volunteer Corps class for next year must complete an application form by January 24. This is a great opportunity for students to ““give back”” to RBHS and/or the community and still earn elective credit. Students must apply and receive approval prior to enrollment. Classes include: Advisory Mentor (interview required), Media Center Student Assistant (written approval required), Mentor/Tutor (interview required), Office Assistant (approval required), and Teacher Assistant. Several have limited openings. Applications will be available in the Guidance office. Students may only take one (1) Student Volunteer Corps class per semester.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Let's Get Down to the Nitty GRITty in 2014!
Wikipedia has the following definition for GRIT:
perseverance and passion for long-term goals
Synonyms for GRIT:
"perseverance," "hardiness," "resilience,” “ambition,” “need for achievement” and "conscientiousness"
I encourage you to access the Wikipedia page. Also, check out this article from Wired magazine and this fantastic TED Talk from Angela Lee Duckworth on GRIT.
Why? We find ourselves at the beginning of a new semester and a new calendar year and the slate is clean. Too often we set our expectations for success in any area of life based on what we believe are a predetermined set of competencies. These abilities are sometimes the reason we (and others) think we should be successful. For instance, if you've been told you are smart, then the expectation for academic achievement is high. It also works the other way. If the messages in your life tell you that you are not intellectually gifted, then the expectation for success in school is fairly low.
The truth of success and achievement is, that if you believe that your success is tied to your fixed abilities, your access to growth, learning, and achievement is extremely limited. In fact, those who decide they can achieve at high levels by working hard and staying committed to their goals, find greater degrees of success than predicted.
Academic success is a function of how committed we are to achieving our goals. Choosing to cast aside whatever limitations you or others perceive you to have and being determined to achieve is the key to learning and growing. This commitment requires action. If you commit to becoming a successful student, then being a student needs to become a priority in your life. This includes committing time outside of school DAILY for your academics, COMMUNICATING with your teachers on a consistent basis, SEEKING assistance when needed, and OWNING your understanding.
Is this the year in which you will decide to show the GRIT and determination needed to achieve academic success? Is it time to start seeing yourself as a learner who has long term goals, and understanding what it takes to achieve them? If you are a student at Rock Bridge HS, I can't think of a better environment to support and encourage you to achieve everything you choose!
Want to know more? Check out the book "Mindset" by Carol Dweck. It will make you think about how you think about yourself and your ability to do, learn, and grow.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
RB Band Student Selected for All-State Band!
Congratulations to the following RBHS band students for being named to the All-State band!
2014 All-State Concert Band
Matt Hoeppner, 1st Chair Flute; Emily Franke,
7th Chair Flute; Emily Vu, 3rd Chair Alto Saxophone;
Stephanie Bonham, 2nd Chair Baritone Saxophone;
Daniel Shapiro, 2nd Chair Trumpet;
Aaron McCray, 10th Chair Trumpet and; Stephanie
Stanley, 2nd Chair Trombone
2014 All-State Honorable Mention Concert Band
Tim Diamond, 9th Chair Flute; Kerri Mathews, 1st
Chair Oboe;
Greyson Holliday, 1st Chair Trombone
and; Matt Orf, 3rd Chair Trombone
2014 All-State Honorable Mention Jazz Band
Jessica Klein, 1st Chair Trumpet and Stephanie
Stanley, 1st Chair Trombone
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