Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Let's Get Down to the Nitty GRITty in 2014!

Wikipedia has the following definition for GRIT:

perseverance and passion for long-term goals

Synonyms for GRIT:

"perseverance," "hardiness," "resilience,” “ambition,” “need for achievement” and "conscientiousness"

I encourage you to access the Wikipedia page. Also, check out this article from Wired magazine and this fantastic TED Talk from Angela Lee Duckworth on GRIT.

Why?  We find ourselves at the beginning of a new semester and a new calendar year and the slate is clean. Too often we set our expectations for success in any area of life based on what we believe are a predetermined set of competencies. These abilities are sometimes the reason we (and others) think we should be successful.  For instance, if you've been told you are smart, then the expectation for academic achievement is high. It also works the other way.  If the messages in your life tell you that you are not intellectually gifted, then the expectation for success in school is fairly low.

The truth of success and achievement is, that if you believe that your success is tied to your fixed abilities, your access to growth, learning, and achievement is extremely limited.  In fact, those who decide they can achieve at high levels by working hard and staying committed to their goals, find greater degrees of success than predicted.

Academic success is a function of how committed we are to achieving our goals.  Choosing to cast aside whatever limitations you or others perceive you to have and being determined to achieve is the key to learning and growing.  This commitment requires action.  If you commit to becoming a successful student, then being a student needs to become a priority in your life.  This includes committing time outside of school DAILY for your academics, COMMUNICATING with your teachers on a consistent basis, SEEKING assistance when needed, and OWNING your understanding.

Is this the year in which you will decide to show the GRIT and determination needed to achieve academic success?  Is it time to start seeing yourself as a learner who has long term goals, and understanding what it takes to achieve them?  If you are a student at Rock Bridge HS, I can't think of a better environment to support and encourage you to achieve everything you choose!


Want to know more? Check out the book "Mindset" by Carol Dweck. It will make you think about how you think about yourself and your ability to do, learn, and grow.